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Kwamé Nkrumah -Ghana- (1909-1972)

Kwame Nkrumah takes part in the 5th Pan-African Conference in Manchester while being still a student. Back home, a graduate in economics and law, he founded the CPP (Convention People’s Party) and was imprisoned for his radicalism. Nevertheless, in 1952, he won the elections and became First Minister of the Gold Coast. In 1957, under the name of Ghana, the colony is proclaimed independent. Nkrumah was then elected President in 1960. Pan-African, he tries to impose his doctrine of « consciencism », but he is hampered by other African heads of state with different ideas. After a tour in 1961 in the Eastern bloc, he officially opted for Marxism, further thoughened his regime but was finally deposed by a coup d’état in 1966. KwameNkrumah died of stomach cancer in on 27 April 1972.

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