Musée des Civilisations noires: Bienvenue

Gisèle Rabesahala -Madagascar- (1929-2011)

Gisèle Rabesahala is a Malagasy politician who dedicated her life to the independence of her country, to human rights and the freedom of people. At the age of 17, she took her first steps into politics by becoming involved as secretary in the Democratic Movement for Malagasy Renewal (MDRM), which campaigns for the country’s independence. She is the first woman elected municipal councillor (1953) and political party leader (1958). She was appointed Minister in 1977. Thanks to her personality, her commitments, as well as her exceptional career, Gisèle Rabesahala became a true pioneer and a major political figure in the political history of Madagascar.

Elle a été nommée ministre en 1977. Par sa personnalité, ses engagements, ainsi que par son parcours exceptionnel, Gisèle Rabesahala s’est érigée comme une véritable pionnière et une figure politique majeure de l’histoire politique de Madagascar.

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